Blog Challenge #5: Summer Food

Maple creemees, s’mores, watermelon, fresh string beans, corn on the cob, homemade ice cream, fresh-picked blueberries, . . . .

This week’s challenge is a bit strange, but fun.  Summer is joyous in so many ways, and one way is all the flavors of the season.  Share with us a food you have enjoyed.

It could be something you cooked.  This week I tried a new roasted chickpea gyro recipe.  My students will find this artistic photo of my supper pretty funny since cooking is not generally my thing.

It could be harvesting your food.  Here is our class missionary Alicia helping us pick peas in July several years ago at my parents’ house.

It could be the place where you enjoyed your food.  Last night some friends came to my special swimming lake for a picnic supper, and we feasted along with the Canada geese, the bald eagle (who fished closer than I’ve ever seen him there), and my blue heron companion.

Post on your blog or e-mail Miss Blessing.  Scrumptious!


Blog Challenge #4: Thankful Thing

One of our class distinctives is cultivating a community of thankfulness.

Psalm 9:1  “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”

We praise the Lord often, plus we intentionally pause for gratitude regularly during Bible time and each Friday at our closing meeting.  Our thankful hearts have much to praise Him for in the summer as well, right?

Colossians 2:6-7  “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

This week’s challenge is to share something you are thankful for this summer.  Write it on your blog, or send an e-mail to Miss Blessing.  Let everything that has breath, PRAISE THE LORD!


The grateful thought that I would like to share is what a tremendous gift the life of my niece Audrey is to me.  Her 17th birthday was this weekend.  Her giant birthday surprise was a family weekend at Camp Spearhead, one of her favorite places.

They decorated her cabin door for her birthday . . . .

. . . . and even their table in the dining room!

She got to do the zip line!

She had a gorgeous cake.

Thank you, Lord, for the people you place in our lives.  You fill our hearts with so much love, and we are thankful.

Mrs. Shedd’s Summer Adventure: Family Camping!

Mrs. Shedd kicked off her fantastic summer with a visit from her daughter Andrea and her family.  The Salzmans serve at Life Action in Michigan.  With Alicia ministering at Camp Maranatha, the family chose that as their special spot for reunion activities.  Their week was full of great meals, s’mores around the campfire, crafts, swimming, boating, and much more.  Here they are at the top of Cannon Mountain in Franconia Notch.  They loved the Tramway!

Of course, Mrs. Shedd makes magical tea parties wherever she goes.  Here she is with her granddaughter Shalom having a tea party at Maranatha.

Alex’s and Annabella’s Adventure: Green Mountain Bible Camp!


Every year Alex and Annabella (plus some other friends you know) can’t wait for Green Mountain Bible Camp!  They love being with friends, great food and activities, plus learning so much about the Lord while they are there.  Be sure to ask them all about their adventure when you see them.

And these mighty readers are still reading everywhere they go!  Hooray!