Math Scavenger Hunt: An Example of Measurement

My group spent a good deal of time watching the workers heat the crosswalk lines onto the road.  Fascinating!  The world is full of amazing things!

Try some measurement challenges today.  Or better yet, find some real life measurement to do–cooking, a shop project, planting your garden rows, sewing, . . . .

     *Johnnie’s Math Page on Measurement

     *PBS Kids’ Measurement Games

Math Photo Scavenger Hunt

So after our exploration of the library, we trekked off around Hanover on a Math Photo Scavenger Hunt!  Our two main goals included  practicing sidewalk safety and etiquette as well as looking for some of our math concepts in the real world.  We had a blast, and so did a lot of unsuspecting bystanders in Hanover, such as the construction workers we asked to be in our picture.  Over the next few weeks, our blog will highlight each one of the challenges on our scavenger hunt along with some math websites you might like to check out to further explore that concept.  Math is everywhere!