Social Distancing Goals

It is strange and different to have so much time at home. It is a unique opportunity, and none of us want to waste these weeks by becoming video game zombies. Ha ha. So even though some of each day will be restful, fun things, we all want to have goals for this special time at home. Think about that a little bit. (Think, think, think, think . . . . )
For example:
  • –personal: more time outside, doing a kind deed each day, reading more, tackling another book of the Bible, . . . .
  • –learning: practicing an instrument a bit extra, researching something you’re interested in like the International Space Station or collecting coins, finding out how to build or make something, . . .
  • –crazy/dream: starting a fort, going to a state park or lake to do your schooling for a day, cooking dinner for the family by yourself, . . .
For Tuesday’s morning meeting share, please post on your blog about your goals. Try to think of at least one personal goal, one learning goal, and one crazy/dream goal that are possibilities.  No pressure though!  It’s a wild time for us all right now.
So far my goals are:
*Personal:  Spend some time outside every day, no matter the weather.
*Learning:  Get proficient at Zoom this week.
*Dream:  Learn how to make my own kombucha.
I can’t wait to read what you post!

Truth. From Audrey.

My brother John and his wife Beth in South Carolina have been sharing Audrey’s thoughts throughout this crazy week.  This blessed me this morning, and I thought it would bless you too.

Beth posted, “During church this morning, Audrey wrote the liturgy of our Eucharist. It’s written in Audrey spell, so I’ll translate the end. ‘All our problems we send to the cross of Christ.'”


Getting Outside

We are doing such a great job getting outside.  Way to go, 3rd/4th team!  With your permission, I hope to post a photo of each family doing healthy, joyful outdoor things over this first week of distance education.  Feeling a sense of togetherness and fellowship is important right now during our “six feet apart” endeavors, right?

Kickoff Day!

Today we will be sending out Monday’s home schooling plans, and I am very excited.  I’ve been thinking of each of you as I plan, and I hope that we’ve gotten it just right to make that first day a joyous part of the Great Adventure.

HOWEVER, this was my niece Audrey on one of her first days of home learning.

I hope you will look like THIS INSTEAD . . . .

. . . . so keep talking to me, okay?

Thursday Morning Brain Break

Spring starts in a few hours, but I’m never ready to say goodbye to the snow . . . . . I’m taking a few moments on my porch for a brain break from lesson planning to pray especially for my dear students and their families.  It is hard not to be with my precious scholars in person at this time of morning.  I thought this writer’s reflections (in one of my new birthday books) were very timely this morning.

“We are so captivated by our technology and all that it puts before our eyes that we overlook the ways that God displays His glory through creation, relationships, and our ordinary circumstances in the day to day. . . . We become what we behold. . . .

‘We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.  For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.’ 2 Corinthians 3:18

“We are being transformed into His likeness by looking intently on who He is.”  (Simons, Beholding and Becoming:  The Art of Everyday Worship, p. 9-10)

One of the blessings of this strange and difficult situation is a special appreciation of our loved ones, our homes, and our Rock.

Click here for my snowy view video.  Can you hear the birds singing in the snow?  So cool!

Missing You Already!

We are hoping that our blogs will help us not only to connect with the world, but to continue to build our own classroom community during this time of home learning.  This week we are practicing how to post on our blogs by sharing a photo and a joke with each other.  Let me know if you have any questions before we start official “class” on Monday!

*****Type a joke you like as a blog post.

*****Where are you?  Share an interesting photo from your first couple of days home with your family.

Need help?  Here is a tutorial on how to post a post, which includes how to post a photo.  Tutorials are one of the ways I learn lots of new things on my own.  You can find out almost anything using tutorials.

Edublogs:  How to Post


Jonah:  Teacher!  Teacher!  Joshua just swallowed all his pennies!  And it’s your fault!

Miss Blessing:  Why is it my fault?

Jonah:  You told him he needed more sense!