Oh, How We Love to Read!

I often post on our blog about Donalyn Miller’s books, The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild, chatting about lifelong reading habits.  Here is one example of a “wild reader”.  Natalie’s mom said, “Are you smiling as we did to see Natalie faithfully doing her chicken chores all while keeping her book in hand?”  Yes!

We are not just readers.  We are PASSIONATE readers.

One of my friends from the National Writing Project, previous NH Teacher of the Year Angie Miller, is spending a year teaching high school in Costa Rica.  She has been inspiring her students with reading workshop, and they are catching fire.  They came up with the idea of adding each book they finish to window graffiti in their room, and I asked if we could steal their idea to add to our medley of book celebrations.  We hope to trade photos with them as the year goes on even though they are older students because being a lifelong reader makes us joyous companions no matter our ages.

What are some of the ways you grab moments here and there to add reading to your day?  Even very busy “wild readers” find ways, just as Natalie did in the chicken yard.  I have numerous books of all kinds going all the time, and I stash them everywhere, such as one in the car, one in my carry bag, one in the bathroom, a pile at my school desk and home desk, . . . . Then I grab a minute to read another chapter wherever I might be.

Read on!

2 thoughts on “Oh, How We Love to Read!

  1. How cute is Natalie?! And I love that window idea. Maybe we will try that! And I need your ideas on how to incorporate reading more! I’m so bad at making time to read.

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