Corps of Discovery Day!

Grizzlies! Prairie dogs! Raging rivers! Snow-capped mountains! What better way to start Mission Possible this year than with a mingled study of Lewis and Clark plus botany. We capped off our unit with a simulation of trekking into the wilderness. The second and third graders would like to share a few highlights with you.


Into the Woods

(a snippet from each writer)

 Greyson Grizzly Bear: I went on the best field trip in my life! I went to Profile Falls. You will wish you were there.

Ivy Sneaking Jaguar: The first part of the field trip, I had to figure out how to get to the park with my friends. We had to use signs to figure out where we were, even though we didn’t know.


 Anthony Eagle Eye: When we got to Profile Falls Park, Sacagawea came out of the woods when we didn’t know she’d be there. She had a stick with a deer antler on it.

Maggie Merry Christmas: She greeted us all. She had rabbit fur and raccoon fur on her waist with a bag with bright, colorful beads. Sacagawea had a loving smile and coffee colored skin. She said, “Hello, I am Sacagawea.”


Martha Playful Rider: Ranger Karen was our leader for the morning. She taught us about the black bear, and there was a coyote mount eating a grey squirrel. There was a hawk. It had such big talons and a big beak. The wingspan was bigger than our height!

Rowan Bear: The ranger taught about animals, and I got to touch a bear, an otter, a fisher, and a coyote!

Jadon Sleeping Bear: My favorite part was when we got to go on a scavenger hunt. We found different kinds of cool sticks. We found a tree with roots like a house, and Greyson and I climbed the hill to get to it. We had to surfboard down the hill after that, it was so steep.

Noah Mighty Man: We went hiking, and we got bags and gathered nature stuff for our sculpture. For my group’s sculpture, we built a teepee on a tree.


 Autumn Frog Woman: Mr. Huebner cleaned the squirrel and cooked it on the fire. I took a picture of the squirrel. My mom freaked out because I told her I took a picture of the insides. She said, “Great!” She was sarcastic, you know.

Jon Safety Boy: I ate turkey, bear, bobcat, and squirrel meat. I also ate venison, but I like it better with ketchup. There was squash, roasted potatoes, and pumpkin. I really enjoyed the squirrel meat. It tasted a little like chicken.


 Joshua Sea Dog: Then we went in the river and found a few things like a mini tiny lobster and a speed runner. We found a baby scorpion creature. They are called macroinvertebrates.


Molly Butterfly: The most thing I liked about the trip was when we went to the worship falls because you’re sitting right in front of the waterfall. You hear the waterfall, but you can’t hear anyone else. It’s just peace and quiet.

Catherine Prancing Cat: My group went to praise God. We made up a song on the flute and played it to God. We painted a picture of the waterfall near us.


 Karis Strong Daughter: I sat where it was soft and calm. My boots filled with water as I water painted a rainbow. I couldn’t play the recorder, no matter how I tried.

Jaelyn Strong Song: When we got to the falls, we saw the rusty-rock, crystal blue waterfall, and we got to write in a thinking spot. I painted a picture of the waterfall.

Brooke Heat Soaker Upper: We got to stay late at the park, and we truly got to go to the wilderness with Sacagawea like Lewis and Clark.

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2 thoughts on “Corps of Discovery Day!

  1. What an amazing day! Wish I could have been there to enjoy the wonder of nature and learning history, art, language, science, math and so much more in such a tangible way.

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