Past Forty!



Martha finished racing past forty books in January!  For her interview, she would like to share with you some of her favorite books of all time.

“I started getting Berenstain Bear books, by Jan and Mike Berenstain, when I was three or four.  I love reading them because they are fiction, and I really like fiction.  They are so cute because they make the characters just come alive!

I have added to my collection by doing chores to earn more books.  Now I have more than fifty of their books I think. I read them a lot, and I share them with my brother Luke.  He enjoys hearing me read them aloud to him.

They have lessons in them, such as earning money by working hard, helping your parents to earn money, and saving what you earn.  Then you can go out and buy something you want instead of just depending on your mom and dad to buy you whatever.  Another book taught proper manners, like keep your feet off the table or not blowing bubbles in your drinks.

I recommend them to younger kids and even older kids because they are just so fun.  I think all ages should read picture books because they can help you build momentum in your reading so when you come to a challenging book you are slower on, you have built reading speed.  I think I will love these books my whole life because they teach lessons we all need.  I’m going to save them for my kids so they will learn these lessons too.”

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