Open Mic


One of my favorite times of each week in the Writing Institute is Open Mic during the last hour of the last day. We cozy into our listening chairs to hear our classmates read something they would like to share.

(What would you think of ending our weeks with Open Mic next year during school?  Upcoming fourth graders especially, let me know!)

I was really missing all the DES students this week, so this poem was especially meaningful to me.  After class, I asked Ms. Aldebot Reyes if she would be willing to share her poem on our class blog for everyone to enjoy.  Ms. Aldebot Reyes is visiting the United States from the Dominican Republic.  You have a strong connection to her island from current events last year.  Write a comment back if you know what it is.  English is her second language (Who knows what her first would be?  Comment, and she’ll let you know if you are right!), so that makes writing in English a real mental challenge, doesn’t it?



A treasure chest

a radiant rainbow

a precious gift

arriving  from all corners of the world

gliding as stars

in a dark summer night.

Each one is different:

tall, short,

thin, fat,

rude, delicate,

enthusiastic, quiet.

As they arrive to class,

each emits a different color ray

everyone carries a secret inside.

As time goes by

the treasure chest opens

and  little stars begin to sprout

each at its own pace

unfolding wisdom and light.

Sometimes, a thick shell covers their hearts

but little by little the wrapping melts

the inner core is revealed

when it happens

the volcano of life erupts

expelling celebration and joy.

Each class is a play

a  majestic concert

a  glamorous miracle

a master piece.

Nelsy Aldebot Reyes

July 9, 2010

3 thoughts on “Open Mic

  1. Thank you for posting this poem…could you ask permission for me to share this either with my staffs or even better with the entire elementary staff at our LETRS workshop…the poem really does speak about how our students come to us and what is our role as an educator. Building relationships and understanding that each child is a gift to have in your classroom are keys in being a successful educator. Ms. Reyes-thank you for sharing your beautiful words with us!

  2. Thank you Miss Holloran for your comments. It will be a pleasure to share my poem with your school staff. I hope you will enjoy it. Nelsy Aldebot

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