Make It So!

Hopes and Dreams

There’s something about a fresh start that is so appealing. Every year the new year in August prompts us to reflect on the possibilities ahead of us. What do we hope this year will be? What kind of place do we want our room to be? Who do we hope WE will be in this community? What do we hope to give to others this year?

James: I hope we learn science because I like it when stuff starts going everywhere.

Madi: I love imagination. I believe in fairies and other fairy tale things. I really hope we do a lot with imagination.

Mackenzie: I hope to be a vet when I grow up.

Brandon: I hope to learn more math and science to help me be a better baseball player.

Collin: I want to be a second grade teacher someday because I love math and I love little kids.

Jesse: I hope to become a scientist.

Kearsis: In fourth grade, I’d like to be a PAL—somebody that helps people out if they have a problem.

Kiara: In my Smiley World, everybody loves math, art, writing, social studies, science, and SCHOOL.

Alex: I want to get wet and catch pigs (wild pigs), go to zoos, and go to animal museums.

Dylan: I am curious about how to fly.

Miss Blessing: I hope to make at least one dream come true for each of my students this year, whether that might be to be surrounded by zapping science everywhere they look, or to challenge themselves to be the supreme mathematician of DES, or who knows!

Mrs. D.: I just hope that the children reach their goals. I already have the feeling that they will reach and surpass!

As our spyglass book said, now that you know what you hope this year will be, MAKE IT SO!

***Check out each student’s complete writing about his or her hopes and dreams on the soon-to-be-posted individual blogs!

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