It’s an Eaglet!

The first eaglet hatched today!  Congratulations, Freedom and Liberty!  Watching the parents tote in fish and mice is quite amazing.  The other egg may hatch tomorrow, but don’t be discouraged because the live cam has been so popular that the feed has not been working well.  Hopefully, you’ll all get a chance to meet our baby (by camera) soon!

Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 5.32.23 PM(photo courtesy of Hanover, PA, eagle cam site)


Investigating Light

What can shadows show us about light?  Students observed four opaque objects, the shadow the object made, and where the sun was located.


We examined the shadows closely to draw conclusions about light waves traveling in a straight line and to make connections to our knowledge of seasons.  Then we had some shadow fun.  (Make the smallest shadow you can, make the biggest shadow you can, and make the craziest shadow you can!)  Long, delicately colored, artistic shadows on the snow are just one of the blessings of a New England winter.

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More Energy from START


Week 2 began with a rousing game of Simon Says, energy style!  Heat!  Light!  Sound!  Kinetic!  Potential!



The students had the opportunity to design pinwheels that run by wind power as we thought about green energy connections to our Go Green Racers engineering project.  It’s amazing how often the Engineering Design Process comes up from day to day now that we know more about it.

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We’re also composing lyrics to an ongoing song, which you’ll be hearing soon!

Thanks, START volunteers!  You energize us!