One More Cool French Thing!

Our technology hero, Mrs. Hunewell, shared the most amazing “very cool technology thing” with us today. Did you know there is a website that will translate things into different languages? We entered our blog and had it translated into French!

*Go to
*Choose the “Free Website Translator” button.
*Where it says to enter the url, enter
*Wait a moment for the translation, and voila!

Interactive Maps–Math is Everywhere!

One of the “wicked cool” features of the Iditarod website is its interactive map.  We are becoming experts on graphic sources in our reading curriculum, so we knew right what to do to read and understand the map.


 We investigated sections of the trail. Some are dangerous.  Some are long.  Each section has its own challenges.  

We shared our favorite facts.  Calooloo shared that the Yentna River can be dangerous because the water slowly moves under the ice and can overflow onto the top of the ice.  Chunky Monkey was fascinated by Unalakleet, where the powerful winds off the sea can complicate the race.  

We used the mileage between the checkpoints to calculate our data landmarks.  Here is what we found.

Minimum:  11 miles

Maximum:  112 miles

Range:  101 miles

Mode:  48 miles

Median:  46.5 miles

Mean:  46 miles

We think the mushers have to be knowledgeable mathematicians in order to plan out their racing strategy. Math is everywhere, even the Iditarod!