
I have been exploring a cool site called Biblionasium.  Your family might enjoy trying it this summer as a fun place to log your summer reading.  If your family likes it, let me know and maybe we’ll use it next year as a class.

What is it?
“Biblionasium is the fun, reading-focused social network for kids ages 6-13. Connecting kids in an encouraging community of friends, family and their educators, Biblionasium excites, engages and encourages a love of the written word. Kids can log their reading, play games, complete reading challenges and earn rewards within a safe social network built especially for them.”

Weathering in Real Life

Scientist Ethan sent photos of weathering he noticed on his family walks.  Thank you!

This is the first summer post of cool things students send in, and I welcome more.  How about a photo of an unusual or favorite place you have the opportunity to read?  An adventure to share with us all?  Something you found fascinating to learn about?  E-mail me with anything you’d like to share!

Lifelong Passion for Reading

Mrs. Shedd is the Reading Champ of our class!  She beats us all every single year in the 40 Book Challenge, no matter how we try.  As we watch her reading habits, we notice she is an expert at the “wild reader” strategy of having a book everywhere and using snippets of time for reading wherever she is.  She often finishes a book every day or two rather than the book a week we aim for!  Imagine all the places she has gone in her mind!  Thank you for inspiring us, Mrs. Shedd.

Old and New Friends

Some good old friends enjoying some distanced time together.  What a blessing!

Bethel Camp wasn’t able to open as usual, but this family get-together was a blast just the same.

Look who I got to meet in person finally!  Our new 1st/2nd teacher, Mrs. Peets, was in working on her room with her wonderfully helpful and kind daughters this week.