Hidden Gems

Baa haa haa!  Hee hee!  Loud cheering and clapping!  Raucous laughter!

Out of all the many groups who have shared the dorm with me over these four weeks, guess who has had the most fun by far?  They hooted and har-de-harred for hours yesterday evening, so loudly that I could hear their entire conversations the whole length of the hallway from the lobby.  It made me want to be Harriet the Spy just to see what made these folks so very much fun to be around.

Have you made your guesses?  Nope, not teachers.  Nope, not firefighters.  It is the New England City and Town Clerks conference!  Their website says, “Our annual conference ‘contributes to the initiation of long-lasting friendships and a general feeling of camaraderie between all clerks in the New England states.’”  I would testify that they are representing that accurately.

I will never feel quite the same again about a visit to the town office.  Hidden beneath the “Your Lack of Planning Does Not Constitute My Emergency” sign might be a hilarious entertainer, and it makes me want to know more.

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What person have you met lately that fills you with curiosity?  Tell us about your encounter.

2 thoughts on “Hidden Gems

  1. I spent time at an army base last week, a place where they test new weapons of all sorts. Gates and fences and passes that take an hour to get through, perpetual explosions through the workday, tanks parking in the garage where I was working. And everyone there had been doing it long enough that it seemed normal to take an armored vehicle around the block before lunch. No hooting and guffawing though, so maybe I should hang out with clerks more . . .

  2. I am always fascinated by hair stylists. All day long they hear of people’s lives, complaints, health, children, and jobs. I am always amazed at what people are willing to share in the stylist’s chair. I often wonder if these stylists go home at the end of the day and still think about the odd stories they have encountered throughout their day!

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